Every year in September, Herford holds a “Denkmal Tag” (Monument Day) where a number of listed and historical buildings within the city are opened up to the public so that tour groups can move from one building to the next and learn about the interesting histories connected to them.
This year is the second year that the Lodge house in Herford has opened its doors and let interested parties take a look at our lovely building. Being built in 1909 by the current owners, Loge Zur Roten Erde, consecrated in 1899, our Lodge is not particularly old in comparison to other buildings within the city, but from 1934 to 1946 the Lodge was taken over and used as the regional headquarters of the SS during the second world war. As many Freemasons were persecuted by the Nazis during the war, the Lodge building is listed for politically historic reasons.
For us, the day serves as the perfect opportunity show the Herforder public what Freemasonry is all about, dispel some of the myths and advertise ourselves to potential candidates.
Each resident Lodge has their own part to play, whether it be presentations, hosting and providing refreshments. The Rose of Minden Lodge put on its display of information and regalia of craft and progressive orders.
Starting the day by setting up the Lodge display ready for doors to at 10:30 we put on a museum like presentation of what British Freemasonry in Germany has to offer and then proceeded to answer questions, talk and provide information to the flood of visitors that continued to flow through the Lodge till doors closed at 18:00.
The resident restaurant “Drei Gänge” set up a stand so visitors could sample their excellent culinary skills. Loge Zur Roten Erde, organised for a expressionist dancer to perform Japanese Butoh dances, they also organised that the local culture club to invite artists to display pieces of the art throughout the Lodge, while the women’s Symbola Lodge opened the small Temple on the first floor and gave lectures on who they are and how they work.

We found the day to be extremely successful, WM WBro Roy Crockford was supported all day by RWBro Shiny Mackinnon, Bro Björn Groos and newly initiated Bro Joachim Schramm who all did a grand job of promoting British Freemasonry, especially Bro Björn who did an excellent job encouraging visitors to ask questions and at one point found himself holding an impromptu lecture to 15-20 interested spectators which, in turn, resulted in at least 3 serious potential candidates.
More pictures here…..