The 19th of November 2022 saw The Rose of Minden Lodge being fully prepared for two notable events. Firstly the installation of WBro Thorsten Dunne into the seat of King Solomon and the office of Worshipful Master, and secondly, the Lodge celebrating its 50th year since its consecration in 1972. The members of the lodge being well supported from both GLBFG and the VGLvD to share in this prestigious event.
The day started early where members set up and prepared the first event of the day, “Breakfast” of which many visiting brothers were happy to receive as they had travelled as far away as Berlin, Köln and from oversees. Bro Mick Monaghan was busy frying up bacon for the Bacon Rolls which many were waiting for!
After meeting and greeting all the visitors, the Lodge closed tyled at 11 O’clock and which saw outgoing WM WBro Dave Chessell and his Wardens open the Lodge in the normal manner, ready to receive a great many of distinguished guests. The Grand Master MWBro Jeremy Stevens plus a large retinue of Grand Lodge officers entered the Lodge. Following on from the GM GLBFG we were also honoured to receive from The United Grand Lodges of Germany MWBro Bill Beardmore.
During the ceremony, additional events were added to the Agenda and the Installing Master WBro Dave Chessell presented 50th Jubilee coins to his outgoing Lodge officers. The Lodge workings thus begun with the main event. The Master Elect (WBro Thorsten Dunne) was collected and presented and later installed in the Chair of King Solomon as the Worshipful Master of the The Rose of Minden lodge No. 918. WBro Dave was then invested into the Office of IPM. The Lodge officers had worked hard to ensure the ritual on the day was at its best and the whole ceremony was completed without the assistance of ritual books and during this ceremony which included WBro Thorsten reciting his Master Elect obligation in an excellent manner. The success of the ceremony is a testament to all the hard work that was put into the practices during the lead up to the event.
Having been installed as the Worshipful Master Perambulations around the Lodge took place in each of the Degrees and the working tools were present to the new WM in an excellent manner by Bros Dave Jackson, Mick Monaghan & Jörg Schubert in respective order. The address to the Master was delivered by WBro Ric Hoskins, who as a member of the Lodge had travelled the long distance from where he lives in the Cayman Islands especially for the day. Bro Roy Crockford then gave the address to the Wardens in an excellent manner.
The GM assisted by RWBro John (Shiny) McKinnon presented Charity Bars to WBro Dave Chessell and Bro Roy Crockford and finally our newly installed WM WBro Thorsten presented 50th Jubilee coins to all Lodge Past Masters.

Once the ceremony had finished, work on the Festive Board began and again the hard work of some of the members who were instrumental in pulling the event together paid off and an excellent meal was had by all. Those that stayed for the festive board received a “goody bag” that contained their own Rose of Minden 50th Jubilee coin along with other novelties marking the Lodges anniversary. A Rose of Minden cake was made for the event which was cut by the WM and very kindly served by the GM himself. The raffle, as always, proved a huge success, which, with monies from the alms collection, raised a respectable sum just short of €1000. The WM announced that this would be donated directly to the charity of our Senior Warden, Bro Stefan Cink and his wife support, which is aiding pregnant women and treating children in Ndolage hospital in Tanzania. Special thanks need to go out to WBro Roy Charles (Director of Ceremonies) for his dedication and determination that all Brethren who took part from the Rose of Minden was well versed and practiced in their role on the day. WBro Roy as always key to the success of how our ritual is performed.
More pictures of the day can be found HERE……….