WBro Stefan Cink Placed in the Chair of King Solomon November 2024
WBro Stefan Cink took his seat on 16th November 2024 in the East and heads up a wonderful installation.
The day started with Bro’s Gavin Henderson-Watson & Mick Monaghan (outgoing & incoming Junior Wardens (JW)) laying on fresh rolls, toppings and plenty of rashers of bacon for breakfast being served to those long distant visitors and Lodge Brethren who started early to help with the finishing touches for the day’s events. While some were helping with breakfast, others, under the beady eye of Director of Ceremonies (DoC) WBro Roy Charles did a champion job of keeping tabs on those who were practicing their ritual.
After a satisfying breakfast the Brethren took their places and Lodge was opened in due form. This year was one of the first in many that the Lodge was able and proud to provide its own Installing Board of Past Masters. The outgoing Worshipful Master WBro Roy Crockford, thanked all the Lodge Officers for their help and assistance during his tenure & placed, with the assistance of the DoC the Installing Board in their seats of office for the ceremony.
The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge British Freemasonry in Germany (GM GLBFG), MWBro Gary Wormald and an entourage of GL officers were admitted to the temple and, in accordance with ancient custom, proffered the WM’s gavel, which, to the WM’s disappointment, he kindly refused. Once all GL officers were seated the ceremony continued with the days main event of installing WBro Stefan Cink as Worshipful Master of The Rose of Minden Lodge Nr.918.
The ceremony passed smoothly without disaster and highlighted the huge effort that all Brethren had put into learning their ritual. The 3rd, 2nd & 1st Degree Working Tools were given in an excellent manner by Bro’s Gavin Henderson-Watson, Sacha Schmittutz and Joachin Schramm, with special mentions to Bro’s Sascha & Joachin as English not being their mother tongue did an excellent job. The Masters, Wardens & Brethren Address’s were given by WBro Roy Charles, WBro Ric Hoskins & GM GLBFG MWBro Gary Wormald respectively with thanks to WBro Ric Hoskins who travelled the long distance from the Cayman Islands to be at his Mother Lodges Installation.
A presentation was made by WBro Dave Chessell, WM of The Brothers of Hiram Lodge No.1101 to the WM, Wardens & Brethren of the Rose of Minden Lodge in thanks for the support and assistance that RoM918 had provided, and still do provide to them, since them being consecrated and was received with humble gratitude.
Newly installed WM WBro Stefan Cink expertly closed the Lodge and the Brethren retired to the dining hall for the Festive Board which was waiting for them. Once all had taken their places the WM & GM entered with acclamation and the feast began and all enjoyed a lavish meal. The festivities were paused to hold the annual raffle and carry out a number of presentations by a few members to say a personal thank you for help and support over the previous year. Once the meal and all the toasts had finished the remaining Brethren cleaned down the Temple and dining hall to end a perfect day.
Photos here…….